Feeling mentally fatigued by all the “game-changing” technologies being released? You’re in good company. Though it may be easy to tune out the overhyped, some innovations are becoming more mandatory.
But with greater speeds, more processing power, and higher analytical acumen come complexities that can’t be ignored. The ripple effects of change can be felt across every imaginable industry, and IT leaders must not only be ready to act, they must be ready to adapt.
These are the digital accelerators that underpin what it means to lead and create truly innovative business models in this era of advancement – and how to prepare.
Tech Innovations Are Shaping How Leaders Work – Be Quick to Adapt
You’ve seen the headlines: “AI and Automation to Overtake Tech!”, “Scale Your Data Analytics or Perish!”, “Why Cloud Computing is the New Internet”. Give or take a bit of fanfare, they’re actually not far off.
“Advances in AI, machine learning, robotics, and other technologies have increased the pace of change tenfold” says McKinsey.
By 2025, they estimate 50 billion devices will be connected to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) alone.
As tech’s capabilities exponentially increase, it will be up to senior leadership to integrate it, evaluate its threats, and anticipate the needs of their team in the process – all while redefining what it means to do so ethically.
Overcome the obstacles and the potential for growth is limitless. Still, innovation at the edge requires a culture of life-long learning and a shift in traditional IT roles from that of asset managers to facilitators of change.
Again, McKinsey: “IT can’t support this dynamic environment by sticking to its traditional role as a controlling entity managing technology at the center. The premium will now be on IT’s ability to enable innovation… The gold standard of IT effectiveness will be its ability to help people stitch together snippets of code into a useful product.”
How Can IT Leaders Make New Tech Integration Strategies a Reality?
The world’s foremost leaders understand that running a successful business now means having a team of technologies in tow. But with the dizzying pace change and a flood of new innovations, grounding your tech strategy in org-wide deep tech knowhow is the only sure way to fully integrate.
To help guide what can feel like rapid-fire decision making, you’ll need to let your data be your guide as you:
In the end, perhaps the best move IT leaders can make is getting comfortable with change – and a lot of it really fast. Senior IT execs who can make quick work out of assessing tech for fit and adapting to meet ever-evolving needs will be the ones to use these changes to their competitive advantage.